The 54th AGM in full swing!
Rowell Fair’s 54th AGM began just after at 8pm where around 50 RFS members gathered to hear about the Society’s activities in 2022 and look forward to 2023.

Paul Johnson, President of the RFS, officially welcomed everyone to Tresham Hall and kicked-off the AGM.

Following Paul, Sue Johnson, Secretary to the RFS took everyone through the Minutes from AGM from 2022 and these were swiftly approved.

Paul then presented his President’s Report where he discussed the past year including the relaunch of the website and the launch of the Fair’s Instagram and Twitter accounts. Visitor numbers for all RFS’s social media accounts were presented to the audience and Paul emphasised the importance of visiting the website. Membership was highlighted where those attending were encouraged to ‘spread the word’ about the Rowell Fair Society and its work. He also summarised the five Member’s Evenings but emphasised that as attendance had been below expectation, the future of these would be discussed at Committee.

Both Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor, Frank York and Paul paid tribute to those individuals who had worked tirelessly over the years on behalf of the RFS. Special mention was given to Wayne Woods and Charlie Appleton and they have been awarded Honorary Life Membership of the RFS.

This year’s Fair Week (3-10 June) was discussed and Paul outlined the main attractions – including: The Rowell Fair Curd Tart Competition, Civic Parade, The Blessing, the Model Exhibition, the Classic Vehicle Show and Proc Monday. The RFS was also proud to announce the return of the Allen Eaton Steam Engines.
Paul expressed thanks to:- Rothwell Conservative Club, Rothwell Arts & Heritage Centre, Rothwell Town Council and RFS Committee.
For more details, download a free copy of the President’s Report HERE (pdf)

Bill Kingston (RFS’s Auditor) took everyone though the annual accounts for year ending 31st December 2022.
The Committee and Officers were duly elected to serve for another year. Alan Marks has stepped down and the Committee thanked him for his significant contributions to our Archives. Thanks were also given to newcomer, Steve Palmer, who has taken on the continued development of the refreshed website and RFS social media accounts.
The RFS Committee for 2023 is confirmed as follows:-
- Frank York (Chair and Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor)
- Paul Johnson (President)
- Paul Cottell (Treasurer)
- Sue Johnson (Secretary)
- Bill Kingston (Auditor)
- Lloyd Mills (Deputy Bailiff), Karl Sumpter, Peter Bell, Ian Dudley, Richard Ley, Steve Wells and Steve Palmer
Any Other Business followed, where Sue Johnson explained that various organisations across Rothwell would be coming together to jointly/organise promote their activities. Sue explained forthcoming events on behalf of the Royal British Legion and the Rothwell Arts & Heritage Centre.
Frank wanted to express his grateful thanks to everyone who has supported the Society and himself in the role of Bailiff. He gave particular thanks to Paul and Sue for their hard work and reliability over the years.
The AGM concluded just before 8.50 and after a short break, our special guest was introduced…
Our Special Guest: Adrian Perkins – Ghost Detective

At just before 9pm, Adrian gave us an overview of his 30 years of investigating, researching and writing about paranormal activities across Northamptonshire.

It was fair to say that he had us all on the edge of our seat throughout and presented a wide range of investigations from his case files including:-
- Kettering House
- The Green Dragon Pub
- RAF Twinwood
We all came away knowing a lot more about paranormal activities than we did going in! Two of points discussed was the difference between a ‘ghost’ and a ‘spirit’ and the last two senses to disappear over time when tracking a ghost. 😮

A general Q and A session brought things to a close and just before 10pm, Adrian ended his talk (not unexpectedly!) with a ghost story – involving a Jumbo Jet! 🙄
Judging by the audience interaction, it had been an interesting, educational and enjoyable presentation. Thanks Adrian!

Frank York, Adrian Perkins and Paul Johnson
See you at the Fair!
“God Save the King and the Lord of the Manor”
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