If you weren’t able to attend this year’s AGM – our 56th – here’s what you missed. If you have any questions about the event, drop us a line HERE.

The Rowell Fair Society’s 56th AGM began at the slightly earlier time of 7.45 this year where approximately 50 RFS Members and their guests convened in the Lounge at Rothwell Conservative Club in Rothwell.

Welcome and Apologies…
Paul Johnson, President of the Society, welcomed everyone including Mayor of Rothwell, Ash Davies.

Following Paul’s introduction, Sue Johnson (Secretary, Rowell Fair Society) confirmed Apologies for Absence and took everyone present through the Minutes from 2024’s AGM. These were subsequently approved and signed as an accurate record. There were no ‘Matters Arising’.

Sue handed back to our President who presented his Report covering the past 12 months.
The President’s Report
Here we present the highlights of last night’s AGM. For a more detailed description, please download your complimentary copy of the President’s Report (the link is shown later on this page).
Paul then began his Annual President’s Report covering the past 12 months. Last year’s Fair was the 820th Anniversary and the weekend was an overall success, and we received a lot of positive feedback. The Committee took the opportunity to reflect on the Society’s Mission & Aims to ensure it best equipped to meet current and future challenges.

Paul confirmed the date of this year’s Rowell Fair and associated activities.
Rowell Fair 2025
- Fair Week (14-21 June 2025)
- Rowell Fair Tart Competition (Saturday, 14 June 2025)
- Blessing of the Fair (Sunday, 15 June 2025)
- Proc. Monday (Monday, 16 June 2025)
Paul thanked Rothwell Town Council for their generous donation of £1000 towards this year’s Fair and announced the following activities
- Rowell Fair Tart Competition
- Civic Parade & Blessing
- Street Entertainment
- Model Fair Exhibition
- Gretton Silver Band
- Vehicle Rally (TBC)
- The Flower Festival run by Holy Trinity Church (confirming this year’s theme of ‘Celebrating Books’)
Paul commented that due to poor attendance at previous Members’ Evenings, in the past year, the number had been reduced to just the AGM and Showmen’s Night.
Paul then briefly handed over to Steve Palmer (newly appointed Communications & Marketing Officer) to discuss activity in and around the website and our social media platforms.
Website & Social Media
Steve explained that our online performance had improved further year-on-year (some c29000, 2024-25 v c26500 in 2023-2024) based on visits/visitors and followers and explained how important it was to keep the website fresh with new content and to post regularly across social media (more details are included in the attached President’s Report, below). Steve summarised the new webpages that had been added and distributed a handout listing the new content in more detail, encouraging those present to visit the pages if they hadn’t already done so.

Steve also announced, on behalf of the RFS, a new facility where it would now be possible to pay Annual Subscriptions online as well as making donations.
He reminded us that these new online facilities would work alongside the current setup where payments are currently made through Rothwell Arts & Heritage Centre.

- Rowell Bailiffs page – HERE
- Blessing of the Fair page – HERE
- The Rowell Fair Daffodil page – HERE
- Subscriptions & Donations page – HERE
- Flower Festival page – HERE
He explained that the same facility could, if there was enough interest, also be used to set up an online shop, where we could sell Rowell Fair merchandise.
Steve concluded his presentation that some activities announced at last year’s AGM had not been fulfilled – namely the digitisation of film and audio from past Rowell Fairs and the introduction of a ‘members only’ section on the website. This was simply due to lack of resources at the committee level.
Steve thanked those who were visiting us online and encouraged members to spread the word. He then handed back to President, Paul Johnson.
The Society Remembers…
Paul, as President, and on behalf of all those present, reflected on those who had passed away, since our previous AGM. Ian Pratt (Committee Member & RFS Secretary) would be sadly missed by all.
Life Memberships
Paul then announced Life Memberships for the following:-

- Les Voss – Halbardier
- Paul Cottell – Treasurer
Les was unable to join us tonight (but will be presented with his award after tonight’s AGM) but a delighted Paul Cottell (retiring, RFS Treasurer, but moving out of the area soon) was presented with his Certificate by Frank York and Paul Johnson.
The President confirmed that we will be looking for a new Treasurer and ‘new blood’ to boost and strengthen the Committee.
Paul thanked the following for their support in the past year
- Frank York for his work organising the Fair (including dealing with the growing amount of associate paperwork)
- Jo Garner (Town Clerk) for her support throughout the year
- Rothwell Arts & Heritage Centre
- Bill Kingston (Auditor)
- Rothwell Conservative Club
- Rothwell Town Council
- RFS Committee
Date for your Diary!
Showmen’s Evening
Wednesday, 11th June 2025
Paul looked forward to seeing everyone at that evening and at as many events as possible during Fair Week!
Download your complimentary
detailed copy of the President’s Report HERE
Auditor’s Report
Bill took us through in detail, the Accounts for year ending 31st December 2024. Appreciation was shown for the Mayor’s donation of £380 to the Society as a result of 2024’s Quiz Night. Frank and Sue also gave an explanation as to the planned plaque installations around the town (that had been delayed due to regulatory issues) as well as the refurbishment of the Bailiff’s ‘Staff of Office’.
If you would like a copy of 2024’s Accounts, please contact us HERE
Appointment of Committee & Officers

The RFS Committee for 2024 was confirmed as follows:-
- Frank York (Chair and Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor) un-opposed
- Paul Johnson (President)
- The Treasurer position is now vacant
- Steve Palmer (Communications & Marketing Officer)
- Sue Johnson (Secretary)
- Bill Kingston (Auditor)
The remaining Committee Members – Lloyd Mills (Deputy Bailiff), Ian Dudley, Richard Ley and Peter Bell were proposed and seconded and subsequently reappointed.
Any Other Business
It was suggested by Peter Sismey that a THIRD Members’ Evening be arranged in the month of October. Sue asked for a show of hands – and there was enthusiastic support. The Committee agreed to consider it for 2025 and discuss it at our next Committee Meeting (February 20th).
At 8.52pm, the AGM proceedings were brought to a close.
Guest Speaker – Susan Copperwheat
“From Strawbear to Squirt
– Quirky Local Traditions, Past & Present’

Sue introduced our guest speaker – Susan Copperwheat – who presented “From Strawbear to Squirt” – an entertaining presentation that looked at quirky local traditions.

Using a mix of props and colour photographs (that were shared amongst those present) Susan gave us a fascinating insight into a large number of local events around the area. Taking the year month-by-month, Susan introduced us to the traditions and quirks of:-
- Whittlesey Straw Bear Festival – detail HERE
- Weldon Jigsaw Festival
- Chelveston Snowdrop Festival
- Olney Pancake Race
- Southwick Conker Championship, Northamptonshire
- Rushden Twilight Walk
- Rothwell Juniors’ May Day Celebrations
- Yarn Bombers
- The Scarecrow Festivals
- Collection of the Wroth Silver
- Geddington Squirt – detail HERE
- …and of course, our one and only, Rowell Fair! 😁
…plus many, MANY more!
On a sadder note, Susan commented on the number of traditions that had disappeared, for various reasons, including the Stamford Georgian Festival that ended in 2021 – and it made us even more appreciative that our own Rowell Fair was still in rude health!
Susan ended her presentation just before 9.45 to enthusiastic and well-deserved applause.

At just before 10pm, our President, Paul thanked everyone for their support and looked forward to keeping our own local traditions alive at this year’s Rowell Fair!
The Raffle!

The 2025 AGM ended with the Rowell Fair legendary Raffle managed by our very own Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor, Frank York.

See you at this year’s
Rowell Fair!
“God Save the King
and the
Lord of the Manor”
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