Post Boxes – Everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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The RFS welcomed Members and their Guests to our first Members’ Evening since this year’s Rowell Fair.

L to R: Frank York (Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor & RFS Chair), Paul Johnson (RFS President) and our special guest Presenter, Helen Crabtree

Our guest speaker was star of TV, radio, newspapers and magazines: Helen Crabtree from Desborough who brought along her extensive collection of Post Boxes (yes really!) to the Conservative Club. Clearly an enthusiast, Helen wore Post Box earrings and a necklace and confessed to photographing every Post Box in Desborough!

Helen educated and entertained us for just over the hour and then took questions afterwards. Helen’s passion was clearly in evidence as she enlightened with her extensive knowledge of these iconic constructions throughout.

The audence were clearly impressed by Helen’s extensive knowledge and many remained behind afterwards to examine Helen’s collection more closely.

Things we didn’t know before we met Helen:

  • Post Boxes were originally painted GREEN
  • At one point, there were 10 deliveries per day
  • The recipient paid for the postage

…and lots more 😊👍

Thanks for sharing your unrivalled knowledge with us Helen!

The evening concluded with the usual Raffle followed by RFS Secretary, Sue Johnson, who outlined plans for the next two Members’ Evenings.