“We Shall Remember Them” – Remembrance Sunday, 2023
L to R: Frank York, Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor, Paul Johnson, President, Rowell Fair Society On a cold and damp morning, representatives of Rothwell - the Town…
L to R: Frank York, Bailiff to the Lord of the Manor, Paul Johnson, President, Rowell Fair Society On a cold and damp morning, representatives of Rothwell - the Town…
Tonight, for our October Members' Evening, we welcomed Douglas Goddard and his illustrated presentation:- "Sir Thomas Tresham and his Buildings" Sue Johnson introduces the evening Tonight's event took place in…
Morning everyone. 👍 Thank-you to all of you who responded to our 'Guessing the Blessing' mystery photos recently - you've been a great help! After our short break last week,…
See our new web-page celebrating the planting of the 'Rowell Fair' Daffodil bulbs HERE.
Morning everyone! 😊 Nothing on this Thursday evening? Why not join us on the 26th October at the Rothwell Conservative Club (beginning at 8pm) where Douglas Goddard will be presenting…
Thank-you to all of you who responded to our 'Guessing the Blessing' mystery photos over the past month. After our short break last week, we're back with our latest 'Guessing…
Morning everyone! 👍 We're taking a short break from the weekly 'Mystery Photo' series (they'll be back soon!) to let you know about the next RFS Members' Evening. Make a…
Thank you to all of you who responded to our 'Guessing the Blessing' mystery photos over the past two weeks. You can view the previous 'mysteries' HERE and HERE. 😊…
Thank you to all of you who responded to our 'Guessing the Blessing' mystery photo request last week. We may not have confirmed the year, but you were able to…
We're not far away from launching our new web-page "The Blessing of the Fair". We've received quite a few photographs from various sources and we want to feature those on…