The Royal Charter
The Royal Charter of today’s Proclamation was granted by King James I in 1614 when William Cockayne purchased the estates and became Lord of the Manor. The Manorial Rights have remained in the same family ever since that time.
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As issued by King James I of England in 1614, granting Rothwell the right to hold a market.

“Whereas, heretofore, his late Majesty King James the First and his progenitors, Lords of the Manor of Rowell had, and used to have one fair in the year, to be holden within the said Manor, which said Fair is now by good and lawful means come to Louise Cecilia Middleton Holborow.
She, the said Louise Cecilia Middleton Holborow, doth by these presents notify and declare, that the said Fair shall begin this Monday after the Feast of the Holy Trinity, and so to continue for the space of five days next, after the holding and keeping of it, and no longer, during which time it shall be lawful for all His Majesty’s subjects to come and go, to buy and sell all manner of cattle, merchandise, and other stuff being saleable ware and allowed to be bought and sold by the laws of this Kingdom.
No toll for cattle; stakes for horses, sheep pens, shows and stalls are charged for as heretofore. And she further chargeth and commandeth all manner of persons within the liberties of the said Fair to keep the King’s peace in all things, upon such Penalties as the Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom are now provided”

God save the King and the Lord of the Manor!
The earlier, original Charter from 1204, granted by King John, can be viewed HERE

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